Online Training Opportunities

Sports Pharmacy Courses
(and outside links to sports science & free sports integrity courses)

Become Drugs-in-Sport Translators

Sports Pharmacists put drug concepts into meaningful lay terms for athletes. Many FREE sports science and anti-doping courses and webinars can be found. With these, develop specialty knowledge:

  • drug information modified for athletes and their entourage 
  • drug-related duties of other athlete support personnel
  • antidoping codes and international standards (e.g., TUE IS)
  • local, national, and international drug law and antidoping law
  • pharmacy rules and regulations 
  • documentation and medical records
  • clinical investigations or clinical studies
  • physiopharmacology, pharmacogenomics, translational medicine
  • pharmacy operations for sporting events

Sports Pharmacists then develop skills to personalize drugs-in-sport information or establish drug protocols for athletes, teams, or antidoping authorities. They participate in research and development, forensic pharmacy, or educate other sports medical professionals and personal trainers. Many opportunities exist.